Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hell's Angel

The most disturbing finding I came across during my research for this project was definitely the dark truth surrounding Mother Teresa. I always assumed her to be everything the media and the church portrayed her to be. Well there's my problem! Apparently she does indeed care for the sick and dieing. But the nature of her care, her motives, and her objectives are all quite different from how she is commonly depicted.
Christopher Hitchens, a British journalist, made a documentary about Mother Teresa during the mid-90's, uncovering some startling secrets into her hospice in Calcutta. Reportedly, Mother Teresa provides minimal medical equipment to her nurses and her patients, they have been seen using the same hypodermic needle for multiple patients, many of them surely infected with diseases. Hundreds of patients sleep in the same room on a miserable military cot with no blanket. In one interview, she says that God is caring for them and that she has to do little to help, she is only doing this because God instructed her to – apparently not because these lepers are suffering and homeless.
Of course, this is Calcutta, what more could she provide! She is a nun, she is frail and old, she should be commended for all her efforts. Well, Christopher also notes that she receives millions upon millions of charitable donations towards her foundation yearly. Where does this go? Instead of building an effective and sanitary hospital, she spreads the money thinly throughout 500 of these hospices all across the world – all as ineffective and helpless as the next. Her intentions aren't to help these people towards recovery; her intention is to save their souls before they die.

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